
Logotipo de El web de la Espalda
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Compendio de bibliografías de los distintos capítulos

En la elaboración de los contenidos de la web de la espalda se han usado criterios y recomendaciones emanados de las siguientes Guías de práctica clínica y publicaciones científicas.

Guías de Práctica Clínica:

    Airaksinen O, Brox JI, Cedraschi I, Hildebrandt J, Klaber-Moffett J, Kovacs F, Mannion AF, Reis S, Staal B, Ursin H, Zanoli G. . COST B13 Working Group on Guidelines for Chronic Low Back Pain. European guidelines for the management of chronic non-specific low back pain. Eur Spine J 2006 Mar;15:S192-299

    Chou R, Qaseem A, Snow V et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Joint Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. Ann Intern Med 2007;147:478-91.

    Chou R, Loeser JD, Owens DK, Rosenquist RW, Atlas SJ, Baisden J, Carragee EJ, Grabois M, Murphy DR, Resnick DK, Stanos SP, Shaffer WO, Wall EM; American Pain Society Low Back Pain Guideline Panel. Interventional therapies, surgery, and interdisciplinary rehabilitation for low back pain: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline from the American Pain Society.Spine 2009;34(10):1066-77.

    Chou R, Huffman LH; American Pain Society; American College of Physicians. Nonpharmacologic therapies for acute and chronic low back pain: a review of the evidence for an American Pain Society/American College of Physicians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med. 2007 Oct 2;147(7):492-504

    Chou R, Atlas SJ, Stanos SP, Rosenquist RW. Nonsurgical interventional therapies for low back pain: a review of the evidence for an American Pain Society clinical practice guideline.Spine 2009;34(10):1078-93

    Haldeman S, Carroll L, Cassidy JD. Findings from the bone and joint decade 2000 to 2010 task force on neck pain and its associated disorders. J Occup Environ Med. 2010;52(4):424-7.

    Waddell G, Feder G, McIntosh A, Lewis M, Hutchinson A. Clinical guidelines for the management of acute low back pain. Royal College of General Practitioners, London 1996.

    Bigos S, Bowver O, Braen G, Acute low back problems in adults. Clinical Practice Guideline nº 14. AHCPR Publication No. 95-0642. Rockville M: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Public Health Service. US. Department of Health and Human Services. December 1994.

Referencias Bibliográficas

Además de las citadas guías, otra bibliografía respalda las recomendaciones que se realizan:

Causas del dolor:

    Airaksinen O, Brox JI, Cedraschi C, Hildebrandt J, Klaber-Moffett J, Kovacs F, et al. Chapter 4. European guidelines for the management of chronic nonspecific low back pain. Eur Spine J 2006 Mar;15 Suppl 2:S192-300

    Baras JD, Baker LC. Magnetic resonance imaging and low back pain care for Medicare patients. Health Aff (Millwood) 2009 Nov-Dec;28(6):w1133-40.

    Deyo RA, Weinstein JN. Low back pain. N Engl J Med 2001;344(5):363-370.

    Hartvigsen J, Foster NE, Croft PR. We need to rethink front line care for back pain. BMJ 2011 May 25;342:d3260.

    Henschke N, Maher CG, Refshauge KM, Herbert RD, Cumming RG, Bleasel J, et al. Prevalence of and screening for serious spinal pathology in patients presenting to primary care settings with acute low back pain. Arthritis Rheum 2009 Oct;60(10):3072-3080.

    Jarvik JG, Deyo RA. Diagnostic evaluation of low back pain with emphasis on imaging. Ann Intern Med. 2002;137:586-597.

    Jarvik JG, Hollingworth W, Martin B, Emerson SS, Gray DT, Overman S, et al. Rapid magnetic resonance imaging vs radiographs for patients with low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA2003; 289: 2810–18.

    Kasch R, Scheele J, Hancock M, Hofer A, Maher C, Bülow R, Lange J, Lahm A, Napp M, Wassilew G, Schmidt CO. Prevalence of benign osseous lesions of the spine and association with spinal pain in the general population in whole body MRI. PLoS One. 2019 Sep 9;14(9):e0219846. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219846. eCollection 2019. PubMed PMID: 31498790.

    Lurie JD, Birkmeyer NJ, Weinstein JN. Rates of advanced spinal imaging and spine surgery. Spine2003; 28: 616–20.

    Newman-Toker DE, Pronovost PJ. Diagnostic errors--the next frontier for patient safety. JAMA. 2009;301(10):1060-2.

    Savigny P, Kuntze S, Watson P, Underwood M, Ritchie G , Cotterell M, Hill D, Browne N, Buchanan E, Coffey P, Dixon P, Drummond C, Flanagan M, Greenough,C, Griffiths M, Halliday-Bell J, Hettinga D, Vogel S, Walsh D. Low Back Pain: early management of persistent non-specific low back pain. Full Guideline. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2009; Disponible en www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG88fullguideline.pdf, visitada el 9 de agosto de 2013.

    Underwood M. Diagnosing acute nonspecific low back pain: time to lower the red flags? Arthritis Rheum 2009;60(10):2855-2857.

    Waddell G. The Back Pain Revolution. 2 edition ed. London: Churchill-Livingstone; 2004.

Como aparece el dolor de espalda:

    Akagi H, Konishi S, Otsuka M, Yanagisawa M. The role of substance P as a neurotransmitter in the reflexes of slow time courses in the neonatal rat spinal cord. Br. J. Pharmacol. 1985;84:663-673.

    Basbaum AI Levine JD. The contribution of the nervous system to inflammation and inflamatory disease. Can J. Physiol. Pharmacol 1991;69:647-651.

    Basile S, Khalil Z, Helme RD. Skin vascular reactivity to the neuropeptide substance P in rats with peripheral mononeuropathy. Pain 1993; 52: 217-22.

    Birch PJ, Harrison SM, Hayes AG, Rogers H, Tyers MB. The non-peptide NK receptor antagonist (±)CP-96,345, produces antinociceptive and anti-oedema effects in the rat. Br. J. Pharmcol. 1992;105:508-510.

    Brodin E, Linderoth B, Cazelius B, Ungerstedt. In vivo release of substance P in cat dorsal horn studied with microdialysis. Neurosci. Lett 1987;76:357-362.

    Coderre TJ, Basbaum AI, Levine JD. Neural control of vascular permeability: interactions between primary afferents, mast cells, and sympathetic efferents. J. Neurphysiol. 1989;62:48-58.

    Collingridge GL, Bliss TVP. NMDA receptors -their rol in long-term potentiation. TINS 1987; 10: 288-293.

    Cook AJ, Woolf CJ, Wall PD, McMahon SB. Dynamic receptive field plasticity in rat spinal dorsal horn following C-primary afferent input. Nature(Lond) 1987; 325: 151-153.

    Costa D, Baños JE. Contribución del sistema nervioso central a la fisiopatología del dolor neuropático. Med Clin (Barc) 1993; 101: 591-595.

    Cross SA. Pathophysiology of pain. Mayo Clinic Proc 1994; 69:375-383

    Cuello AC. Peptides as neuromodulators in primary sensory neurons. Neuropharmacology. 1987;7:971-979.

    Cuello C, Kanazawa I. The distribution of substance P immunoreactive fibers in the rat central nervous system. J. Comp. Neurol 1987;178:129-156.

    Garret C, Carruette A, Fardin V, Moussaoui S, Peyronel JF, Blanchard JC, Laduron M. Pharmacological properties of a potent and selective nonpeptide substance P antagonist. Proc. Natl. Acad. USA. 1991;88:10208-10212.

    D'Amour RE, Smith DL. A method for determining loss of pain sensation. J. Pharmacol.  Exp. Therap. 1992;72:74-79

    De Koninck Y, Ribeiro da Silva A, Henry JL, Cuello AC. Spiral neurons exhibiting a specific nociceptive response receive abundant substance P-containing synaptic contacts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1992;89:5073-5077.

    Duggan AW, Hendry JA, Morton CR, Hutchison WD, Zhao ZQ. Cutaneous stimuli releasing immunoreactive subtance P in the dorsal horn of the cat. Brain Res. 1988;451:262-265.

    Fields HL. Pain. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.

    Go VLW, Yaksh TL. Release of substance P from the cat spinal cord. J. Physiol (Lond)1987;391:141-167.

    Henry JL, Krnjevic K, Morris E. Substance P and spinal neurones. Can J. Phisiol. Pharmacol. 1975;53:423-432.

    Henry JL. Effects of substance P on functionally identified units in cat spinal cord. Brain Res. 1976;114:439-451.

    Henry JL, Sessle BJ Lucier GE Hu JW. Effects of substance P on nociceptive and non-nociceptive trigeminal brain stem neurons. Pain 1980;8:33-45.

    Henry JL. Relation of substance P to pain transmission: neurophysiological evidence. Ciba. Found Symp. 1982;9:206-224.

    Henry JL. Substance P antiinflammatory pain: potential of substance P antagonists as analgesics. Agents Actions. 1993; 41 (suppl):75-87.

    Hökfelt T, Kellerth O, Nilsson G, Pernow B. Substance P: localitation in the central nervous system and in some primary sensory neurons. Science 1975;190:889-891.
    Korr IM, Thomas PE, Wright HM. Symposium on the functional implications of segmental facilitation. J Amer Ostepath Assoc 1955; 54: 1-18.

    Kowalsky ML, SliwinskaKowalska M, Kaliner MA. Neurogenic inflammation, vascular permeability, and mast cells II. Additional evidence indicating that mast cells are not involved in neurogenic inflammation. J Immunol 1990; 145: 1214 - 21.

    Kumazawa T, Perl ER. Primate cutaneous receptors with unmyelinated (c) afferent projection to the substantia gelatinosa. J. Physiol Paris 1977;73:287-304.

    Lawrence KB, Venepalli BR, Appell KC, Goswami R, Logan ME, Tomczuk BE, Yanni JM. Synthesis and substance P antagonist activity of naphthimidazollum derivatives. J. Med Chem 1992;35:1273-1279.

    Lembeck F, Donnerer J, Tsuchiya M, Nagahisa A. The non-peptide tachykinin antagonist, CP-96,345, is a potent inhibitor of neurogenic inflammation. Br. J. Pharmacol. 1992;105:527-530.

    Le Vasseur SA, Gibson SJ, Jelme RD. The measurement of capsaicin sensitive sensory nerve fiber function in elderly patients with pain. Pain 1990; 41: 19 - 25.

    Light AR, Perl ER. Spinal termination of functionally identified primay afferent neurons with slowly conducting myelinated fibers. J. Comp. Neurol 1979;186:133-150.

    Lynn B, Shakhanbeh J. Neurogenic inflammation in the skin of the rabbit. AgentsActions 1988; 25 : 228 - 30.

    Mayer EA, Raybould H, Koelbel C. Neuropeptides, inflammation and motility. Dig Dis Sci 1988; 33: 71S - 77S.

    Morton CR, Hutchinson WD. Release of sensory neuropeptides in the spinal cord: studies with calcitonin gene-related peptide and galanin. Neuroscience 1989 31: 807 - 15.

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    Nicoll RA, Schenker C and Leeman SE. Substance P as a transmitter candidate. Ann Rev. Neurosci 1980;3:227-268.

    Nussbaumer JC, Yanagisawa M, Otsuka M. Pharmacological properties of a C-fibre response evoked by saphenous nerve stimulation in an isolated spinal cord-nerve preparation of the newborn rat. Br. J. Pharmacol. 1989;98:373-382.

    Otsuka M, Yanagisawa M. Effects of a tachykinin antagonist on a nociceptive reflex in the isolated spinal cord-tail preparation of the newborn rat. J. Physiol. (Lond)1988;395:255-270.

    Otsuka M, Yanagisawa. Pain and neurotransmitters. Cell Mol. Neurbiol. 1990;10:293-302.

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    Pedersen-Bejergaard U, Nielsen LB, Jensen K, Edvinsson L, Jansen I, Olesen J. Calcitonin gene-related peptide, neurokinin a and substance P: Effects on nociception and neurogenic inflammation in human skin and temporal muscle. Peptides 1991;12:333-337.

    Piercey MF, Einspahr FJ. Use of substance P partial fragments to characterize substance P receptors of cat dorsal horn neurons. Brain Res. 1980;187:481-486.

    Radhakrishnan V, Henry JL. Novel substance P antagonist, CP-96, 345, blocks responses of spinal dorsal horn neurons to noxious cutaneous stimulation and to substance P. Neurosci. Lett. 1991;132:39-43.

    Randic M, Miletic V. Effects of substance P in cat dorsal horn neurones activated by noxious stimuli. Brain Res. 1977;128:164-169.

    Ruda MA, Bennett, Dubner R. Neurochemistry and neural circuitry in the dorsal horn. In peptides and neurological disease. Prog. Brain Res., Vol 66 (Eds. P. C. Emson, M. Rossoe and M. Tohyama)pp. 219-268, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam 1986.

    Sastry BR, Substance P effects on spinal nociceptive neurones. Life Sci. 1979;24:2169-2178.

    Sugiura Y. LeeCL, Perl ER. Central projections of identified, unmyelinated (c) afferent fibers innervating mammalian skin. Science 1986;234:358-361.

    Takahashi T, Otsuka M. Regional distribution of substance P in the spinal cord and nerve roots of tha cat and the effect of dorsal root section. Brain Res. 1975;87:1-11.

    Theriault E, Otsuka M, Jessell T. Capsaicin-evoked release of substance P from primary sensory neurons. Brain Res. 1979;170:209-213.

    Thompson SWN, Woolf CJ. Primary afferent-evoked prolonged potentials in the spinal cord and their central summation :role of the NMDA receptor. In: Bond MR, Charlton JE, Woolf CJ editores. Proceedings of the VIth World Congress on Pain. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1991; 291-297.

    Shahidi B, Fisch KM, Gibbons MC, Ward SR. Increased Fibrogenic Gene Expression in Multifidus Muscles of Patients With Chronic Versus Acute Lumbar Spine Pathology. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2020 Feb 15;45(4):E189-E195. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000003243. PMID: 31513095; PMCID: PMC6994378

    Wilcox GL. Excitatory neurotransmitters and pain. En: Bond MR, Charlton JE, Woolf CJ editores.  Proceedings of the Vith World Congress on Pain. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1991;97-117.

    Woolf CJ, Thompson SWN. The induction and maintenance of central sensitization is dependent on N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptor activation; implications for the treatment on post-injury pain hypersensitivity states. Pain 1991;44:293-299.

    Yamamoto T, Yaksh TL. Stereospecific effects of a nonpeptidic NKl selective antagonist, CP-96,345: Antinociception in the absence of motor dysfunction. Life Sci. 1991;49:1955-1963.

    Yashpal K, Wright DM, Henry JL. Substance P reduces tall-flick latency: implications for chronic pain syndromes. Pain 1982;14:155-167.

    Yashpal K, Henry JL. Endorphins mediate overshoot of substance P-induced facilitation of a spinal nociceptive reflex. Can J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 1983;61:303-307.

    Yashpal K, Henry JL. Substance P analogue blocks SP-induced facilitation of a spinal nociceptive reflex. Brain Res. Bull 1984;13:597-600.

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Síndromes mecánicos inespecíficos:

Qué son

    Schellingerhout JM, Heymans MW, Verhagen AP, Lewis M, de Vet HCW, Koes BW Prognosis of Patients With Nonspecific Neck Pain. Development and External Validation of a Prediction Rule for Persistence of Complaints. Spine 2010;35:E827–E835

    van Middelkoop M, Rubinstein SM, Ostelo R, van Tulder MW, Peul W, Koes BW, Verhagen AP. No additional value of fusion techniques on anterior discectomy for neck pain: a systematic review. Pain 2012;153(11):2167-73.

    Waddell G. The Back Pain Revolution. 2 edition ed. London: Churchill-Livingstone; 2004.

Cómo se producen

    Cheng LFan WLiu BWang XNie L Th17 lymphocyte levels are higher in patients with ruptured than non-ruptured lumbar discs, and are correlated with pain intensity. Injury. 2013 May 13. pii: S0020-1383(13)00187-3. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2013.04.010. [Epub ahead of print]

    Crombez G, Vlaeyen JW, Heuts PH, Lysens R. Pain-related fear is more disabling than pain itself: evidence on the role of pain-related fear in chronic back pain disability. Pain 1999;80(1-2):329-39

    Dahm KT, Brurberg KG, Jamtvedt G, Hagen KB. Advice to rest in bed versus advice to stay active for acute low-back pain and sciatica. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jun 16;(6):CD007612. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007612.pub2.

    Egeland NGMoen APedersen LMBrisby HGjerstad J. Spinal nociceptive hyperexcitability induced by experimental disc herniation is associated with enhanced local expression of Csf1 and FasL. Pain. 2013 May 24. pii: S0304-3959(13)00273-X. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2013.05.034. [Epub ahead of print]

    Field S, Treleaven J, Jull G. Standing balance: a comparison between idiopathic and whiplash-induced neck pain. Man Ther 2008;13:183–91.

    Hopayian KSong FRiera RSambandan S. The clinical features of the piriformis syndrome: a systematic review. Eur Spine J. 2010 ;19(12):2095-109.

    Hsu WL, Chen CP, Nikkhoo M, Lin CF, Ching CT, Niu CC, Cheng CH. Fatigue changes neck muscle control and deteriorates postural stability during arm movement perturbations in patients with chronic neck pain. Spine J. 2019 Oct 28. pii: S1529-9430(19)31062-9. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2019.10.016.

    Jankovic DPeng Pvan Zundert A. Brief review: Piriformis syndrome: etiology, diagnosis, and management. Can J Anaesth. 2013 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print]

    Karayannis NV, Smeets RJ, van den Hoorn W, Hodges PW. Fear of Movement Is Related to Trunk Stiffness in Low Back Pain. PLoS One. 2013 27;8(6):e67779.

    Kepler, Christopher K. MD, MBA; Markova, Dessislava Z. PhD; Hilibrand, Alan S. MD; Vaccaro, Alexander R. MD, PhD; Risbud, Makarand V. PhD; Albert, Todd J. MD; Anderson, D. Greg MD Substance P Stimulates Production of Inflammatory Cytokines in Human Disc Cells. Spine 2013;38:E1291–E1299.

    Kobayashi S, Yoshizawa H, Yamada S. Pathology of lumbar nerve root compression. Part 2: morphological and immunohistochemical changes of dorsal root ganglion. J Orthop Res 2004;22(1):180-8.

    Kobayashi S, Kokubo Y, Uchida K, Yayama T, Takeno K, Negoro K, Nakajima H, Baba H, Yoshizawa H. Effect of lumbar nerve root compression on primary sensory neurons and their central branches: changes in the nociceptive neuropeptides substance P and somatostatin. Spine 2005;30(3):276-82

    Kokubo Y, Uchida K, Kobayashi S, Yayama T, Sato R, Nakajima H, Takamura T, Mwaka E, Orwotho N, Bangirana A, Baba H. Herniated and spondylotic intervertebral discs of the human cervical spine: histological and immunohistological findings in 500 en bloc surgical samples. Laboratory investigation. J Neurosurg Spine. 2008;9(3):285-95

    Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Zamora J, Gil del Real MT, Llobera J, Fernández C, and the Kovacs-Atención Primaria Group. Correlation between pain, disability and quality of life in patients with common low back pain. Spine 2004;29(2):206-210.

    Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Zamora J, Fernández C and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The transition from acute to subacute and chronic low back pain. A study based on determinants of quality of life and prediction of chronic disability. Spine 2005;30(15):1786-1792

    Kovacs FM, Muriel A, Abraira V, et al. The influence of fear avoidance beliefs on disability and quality of life is sparse in Spanish low back pain patients. Spine 2005;30:E676-E682

    Kovacs F, Abraira V, Cano A, Royuela A, Gil del Real MT, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Muriel A, Zamora J, Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Fear Avoidance Beliefs do not influence disability and quality of life in Spanish elderly subjects with low back pain. Spine 2007;32:2133-2138.

    Kovacs FM, Muriel A, Castillo Sánchez MD, Medina JM, Royuela A and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Fear avoidance beliefs influence duration of sick leave in Spanish low back pain patients. Spine 2007;32:1761–1766.

    Kovacs F, Abraira V, Santos S, et al. A Comparison of Two Short Education Programs for Improving Low Back Pain-Related Disability in the Elderly. A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Spine 2007;32:1053–1059

    Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Royuela A, Corcoll J, Alegre L, Cano A etal. Minimal clinically important change for pain intensity and disability in patients with nonspecific low back pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976 ) 2007; 32:2915-2920.

    Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Corcoll, J, Peña A, and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The prognostic value of catastrophizing for predicting the clinical evolution of low back pain patients. A study in routine clinical practice within the Spanish National Health Service [NCT00502333]. Spine J 2012;12:545-555

    Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Melis S, Sánchez C, Díaz-Arribas MJ, Meli M, Núñez M, Martínez-Rodríguez ME, Fernández C, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Moyá J, Rodríguez-Pérez V, Torres-Unda J, Burgos-Alonso N, Gago-Fernández I, Abraira V. Patients with neck pain are less likely to improve if theyexperience poor sleep quality: a prospective study inroutine practice. Clin J Pain. 2015 Aug;31(8):713-21. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26153781

    Miller TAWhite KPRoss DC. The diagnosis and management of Piriformis Syndrome: myths and facts. Can J Neurol Sci. 2012;39(5):577-83.

    Morinaga TTakahashi KYamagata MChiba TTanaka KTakahashi YNakamura SSuseki KMoriya H. Sensory innervation to the anterior portion of lumbar intervertebral disc. Spine 1996;21(16):1848-51.

    Ohtori STakahashi KChiba TYamagata MSameda HMoriya H. Sensory innervation of the dorsal portion of the lumbar intervertebral discs in rats. Spine 2001;26(8):946-50.

    Ohtori SInoue GKoshi TIto TWatanabe TYamashita MYamauchi KSuzuki MDoya HMoriya HTakahashi YTakahashi K. Sensory innervation of lumbar vertebral bodies in rats. Spine 2007;32(14):1498-502.

    Palmgren TGrönblad MVirri JSeitsalo SRuuskanen MKaraharju E. Immunohistochemical demonstration of sensory and autonomic nerve terminals in herniated lumbardisc tissue. Spine 1996;21(11):1301-6.

    Picavet HS, Vlaeyen JW, Schouten JS. Pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia: predictors of chronic low back pain. Am J Epidemiol 2002;156(11):1028-34.

    Pincus T, Burton AK, Vogel S, Field AP. A systematic review of psychological factors as predictors of chronicity/disability in prospective cohorts of low back pain. Spine 2002;27:E109-E120.
    Moix J, Kovacs FM, Martín A, Plana MN, Royuela A, and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Catastrophizing, state-anxiety, anger and depressive symptoms do not correlate with disability when variations of trait-anxiety are taken into account. A study of chronic low back pain patients treated in Spanish pain units [NCT00360802]. Pain Med 2011;12:1008–1017.

    Poole E, Treleaven J, Jull G. The influence of neck pain on balance and gait parameters in community-dwelling elders. Man Ther 2008;13:317–24.

    Ruhe A, Fejer R, Walker B. Altered postural sway in patients suffering from non-specific neck pain and whiplash associated disorder - A systematic review of the literature. Chiropr Man Therap 2011;19:13.

    Sameda HTakahashi YTakahashi KChiba TOhtori SMoriya H. Dorsal root ganglion neurones with dichotomising afferent fibres to both the lumbar disc and the groin skin. A possible neuronal mechanism underlying referred groin pain in lower lumbar disc diseases. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2003;85(4):600-3.

    Swinkels-Meewisse IE, Roelofs J, Schouten EG, Verbeek AL, Oostendorp RA, Vlaeyen JW. Fear of movement/(re)injury predicting chronic disabling low back pain: a prospective inception cohort study. Spine 2006;31(6):658-64.

    Taguchi THoheisel UMense S. Dorsal horn neurons having input from low back structures in rats. Pain 2008;138(1):119-29.

    Treleaven J. Sensorimotor disturbances in neck disorders affecting postural stability, head and eye movement control. Man Ther 2008;13:2–11

    Uthaikhup S, Jull G, Sungkarat S, et al. The influence of neck pain on sensorimotor function in the elderly.  Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2012;55:667–72.

    Verbunt JA, Seelen HA, Vlaeyen JW, van der Heijden GJ, Knottnerus JA. Fear of injury and physical deconditioning in patients with chronic low back pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003;84(8):1227-32

    Wrisley DMSparto PJWhitney SLFurman JM. Cervicogenic dizziness: a review of diagnosis and treatment. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2000;30(12):755-66.


    Airaksinen O, Brox JI, Cedraschi C, Hildebrandt J, Klaber-Moffett J, Kovacs F, et al. Chapter 4. European guidelines for the management of chronic nonspecific low back pain. Eur Spine J 2006 Mar;15 Suppl 2:S192-300.

    Baras JD, Baker LC. Magnetic resonance imaging and low back pain care for Medicare patients. Health Aff (Millwood) 2009 Nov-Dec;28(6):w1133-40.

    Chou R, Qaseem A, Owens DK, Shekelle P, Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians. Diagnostic imaging for low back pain: advice for high-value health care from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2011 Feb 1;154(3):181-189.

    Chou D, Samartzis D, Bellabarba C, Patel A, Luk KD, Kisser JM, Skelly AC. Degenerative magnetic resonance imaging changes in patients with chronic low back pain: a systematic review. Spine 2011;36(21 Suppl):S43-53.

    Deyo RA, Weinstein JN. Low back pain. N Engl J Med 2001;344(5):363-370.

    Fairbank JHashimoto RDailey APatel AADettori JR. Does patient history and physical examination predict MRI proven cauda equina syndrome? Evid Based Spine Care J. 2011;2(4):27-33.

    Farrell SF, Smith AD, Hancock MJ, Webb AL, Sterling M. Cervical spine findings on MRI in people with neck pain compared with pain-f     ree controls: A systematic review and meta-analysis.J MagnResonImaging. 2019 Jan 5. doi: 10.1002/jmri.26567. [Epubahead of print] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30614121

    Flynn TW, Smith B, Chou R. Appropriate use of diagnostic imaging in low back pain: a reminder that unnecessary imaging may do as much harm as good. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2011 Nov;41(11):838-846.

    Hartvigsen J, Foster NE, Croft PR. We need to rethink front line care for back pain. BMJ 2011 May 25;342:d3260.

    Henschke N, Maher CG, Refshauge KM, Herbert RD, Cumming RG, Bleasel J, et al. Prevalence of and screening for serious spinal pathology in patients presenting to primary care settings with acute low back pain. Arthritis Rheum 2009 Oct;60(10):3072-3080.

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Alteraciones estructurales de la columna vertebral

Anomalías de transición lumbosacra

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    Roland Mvan Tulder M. Should radiologists change the way they report plain radiography of the spine? Lancet. 1998;352(9123):229-30.

    Savigny P, Kuntze S, Watson P, Underwood M, Ritchie G , Cotterell M, Hill D, Browne N, Buchanan E, Coffey P, Dixon P, Drummond C, Flanagan M, Greenough,C, Griffiths M, Halliday-Bell J, Hettinga D, Vogel S, Walsh D. Low Back Pain: early management of persistent non-specific low back pain. Full Guideline. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2009; Disponible en www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG88fullguideline.pdf, visitada el 9 de agosto de 2013.

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    Airaksinen O, Brox JI, Cedraschi C, Hildebrandt J, Klaber-Moffett J, Kovacs F, et al. Chapter 4. European guidelines for the management of chronic nonspecific low back pain. Eur Spine J 2006 Mar;15 Suppl 2:S192-300

    Chou R, Huffman LH. Evaluation & Management of Low Back Pain: Evidence Review for the American Pain Society. Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center. Oregon, 2007

    Chou RFu RCarrino JADeyo RA. Imaging strategies for low-back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet. 2009;373(9662):463-72.

    Chou R, Atlas SJ, Stanos SP, Rosenquist RW. Nonsurgical interventional therapies for low back pain: a review of the evidence for an American Pain Society clinical practice guideline. Spine 2009;34(10):1078-93

    Chou RBaisden JCarragee EJResnick DKShaffer WOLoeser JD. Surgery for low back pain: a review of the evidence for an American Pain Society Clinical Practice Guideline. Spine  2009;34(10):1094-109.

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    van Tulder M, Becker A, Bekkering T, Breen A, del Real MT, Hutchinson A, Koes B, Laerum E, Malmivaara A; COST B13 Working Group on Guidelines for the Management of Acute Low Back Pain in Primary Care. European guidelines for the management of acute nonspecific low back pain in primary care. Eur Spine J. 2006;15 Suppl 2:S169-91.

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    Chou R, Huffman LH. Evaluation & Management of Low Back Pain: Evidence Review for the American Pain Society. Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center. Oregon, 2007

    Chou RFu RCarrino JADeyo RA. Imaging strategies for low-back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet. 2009;373(9662):463-72.

    Chou R, Atlas SJ, Stanos SP, Rosenquist RW. Nonsurgical interventional therapies for low back pain: a review of the evidence for an American Pain Society clinical practice guideline. Spine 2009;34(10):1078-93

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    Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Corcoll J, Abraria V and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Predicting the evolution of low back pain patients in routine clinical practice. Results from a registry within the Spanish National Health Service.  Spine J 2012;12:1008-1020

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    Miyazaki MHymanson HJMorishita YHe WZhang HWu GKong MHTsumura HWang JC. Kinematic analysis of the relationship between sagittal alignment and disc degeneration in the cervical spine. Spine 2008;33(23):E870-6.

    Savigny P, Kuntze S, Watson P, Underwood M, Ritchie G , Cotterell M, Hill D, Browne N, Buchanan E, Coffey P, Dixon P, Drummond C, Flanagan M, Greenough,C, Griffiths M, Halliday-Bell J, Hettinga D, Vogel S, Walsh D. Low Back Pain: early management of persistent non-specific low back pain. Full Guideline. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2009; Disponible en www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG88fullguideline.pdf, visitada el 9 de agosto de 2013.

    van Tulder MW, Koes B, Seitsalo S, Malmivaara A. Outcome of invasive treatment modalities on back pain and sciatica: an evidence-based review. Eur Spine J 2006;15 Suppl 1:S82-92

    van Tulder M, Becker A, Bekkering T, Breen A, del Real MT, Hutchinson A, Koes B, Laerum E, Malmivaara A; COST B13 Working Group on Guidelines for the Management of Acute Low Back Pain in Primary Care. European guidelines for the management of acute nonspecific low back pain in primary care. Eur Spine J. 2006;15 Suppl 2:S169-91.

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Degeneración discal y artrosis vertebral (o "espondiloartrosis")

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Signos Modic

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Inestabilidad vertebral
Artrosis facetaria

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Fisura discal

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Protrusión y hernia discal

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Fibrosis quirúrgica y Síndrome de cirugía vertebral fallida
Esguince o luxación del coxis (o "coxigodinia")
Luxación atlanto-axoidea
Esguinces y luxaciones

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Esguince cervical ( "latigazo cervical")


Pruebas diagnósticas de imagen.

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Pruebas neurofisiológicas: electromiograma

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Otras pruebas diagnósticas
Pruebas de provocación o alivio (discografía e infiltraciones facetarias con anestésicos)

    Carragee EJ, Hannibal M. Diagnostic evaluation of low back pain. Orthop Clin North Am. 2004; 35(1): 7-16.

    Dreyfuss PH, Dreyer SJ, Herring SA. Lumbar zygapophysial (facet) joint injections. Spine 1995, 20(18): 2040-7.

    Manchikanti L (1999) Facet Joint Pain and the Role of Neural Blockade in Its Management. Curr Rev Pain 1999, 3(5): 348-58

    Revel M, Poiraudeau S, Auleley GR, Payan C, Denke A, Nguyen M, Chevrot A, Fermanian J (1998) Capacity of the clinical picture to characterize low back pain relieved by facet joint anesthesia. Proposed criteria to identify patients with painful facet joints. Spine 1998, 23(18): 1972-6; discussion 7.

    Schwarzer AC, Aprill CN, Derby R, Fortin J, Kine G, Bogduk N. Clinical features of patients with pain stemming from the lumbar zygapophysial joints. Is the lumbar facet syndrome a clinical entity? Spine 1994; 19(10): 1132-7.

    Schwarzer AC, Aprill CN, Derby R, Fortin J, Kine G, Bogduk N.The false-positive rate of uncontrolled diagnostic blocks of the lumbar zygapophysial joints. Pain 1994;58(2): 195-200.

    Schwarzer AC, Aprill CN, Derby R, Fortin J, Kine G, Bogduk N.The false-positive rate of uncontrolled diagnostic blocks of the lumbar zygapophysial joints. Pain 1994;58(2): 195-200.

    Schwarzer AC, Wang SC, Bogduk N, McNaught PJ, Laurent R. Prevalence and clinical features of lumbar zygapophysial joint pain: a study in an Australian population with chronic low back pain. Ann Rheum Dis 1995;54(2): 100-6.

    Schwarzer AC, Aprill CN, Derby R, Fortin J, Kine G, Bogduk N. The prevalence and clinical features of internal disc disruption in patients with chronic low back pain. Spine 1995; 20(17): 1878-83.

    Yoshida H, Fujiwara A, Tamai K, Kobayashi N, Saiki K, Saotome K. Diagnosis of symptomatic disc by magnetic resonance imaging: T2-weighted and gadolinium-DTPA-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. J Spinal Disord Tech 2002;15(3): 193-8

Pruebas quiroprácticas de movilidad y palpación vertebral

    Hestbaek L, Leboeuf-Yde C. Are chiropractic tests for the lumbo-pelvic spine reliable and valid? A systematic critical literature review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000; 23(4): 258-75.

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Dolor e incapacidad

    Hiskisson EC. Measurement of pain. Lancet 1974;2:1127-1131"

    Kovacs FM, Llobera J, Gil del Real MT, Abraira V, Gestoso M, Fernández C and the Kovacs-Atención Primaria Group. Validation of the Spanish version of the Roland Morris Questionnaire. Spine 2002;27:538-542.

    Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Zamora J, Gil del Real MT, Llobera J, Fernández C, and the Kovacs-Atención Primaria Group. Correlation between pain, disability and quality of life in patients with common low back pain. Spine: 2004;29(2):206-210.

    Kovacs FM, Muriel A, Abraira V, Medina JM, Castillo MD, Olabe J, and Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The influence of Fear Avoidance Beliefs on Disability and Quality of Life is sparse in Spanish low back patients. Spine 2005;30(22):E676-E682

    Kovacs FM. El uso del cuestionario Roland-Morris en los pacientes con lumbalgia asistidos en atención primaria. SEMERGEN 2005;31(7):331-5.

    Kovacs FM, Fernandez C, Cordero A, Muriel A, González-Luján L and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Non-specific low back pain in primary care in the Spanish National Health Service: a prospective study on clinical outcomes and determinants of management. BMC Health Serv Res 2006 May 17;6:57

    Kovacs FM, Muriel A, Abraira V, Medina JM, Castillo MD, Olabe J, and Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Psychometric characteristics of the Spanish version of the FAB Questionnaire. Spine 2006; 31 (1): 104-110.

    Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Cano A, Royuela A, Gil del Real MT, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Muriel A, Zamora J., Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Fear avoidance beliefs do not influence disability and quality of life in Spanish elderly subjects with low back pain. Spine 2007;32:2133-2138

    Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Royuela A, Corcoll J, Alegre L, Cano A, Muriel A, Zamora J, Gil del Real MT, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Minimal clinically important change for pain intensity and disability in patients with nonspecific low back pain. Spine 2007; 32 (25): 2915-2920.

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IDET e IRFT (Electrotermoterapia intradiscal y termocoagulación intradiscal por radiofrecuencia)

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Estenosis espinal

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Lesión del ganglio dorsal por radiofrecuencia
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13. Infiltraciones epidurales

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14. Infiltraciones facetarias de anestésicos o corticoides

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15. Infiltraciones en puntos gatillo

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16. Infiltraciones intradiscales (Discografía)

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17. Infiltraciones sacroilíacas

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18. Infiltraciones de toxina botulínica

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19. Proloterapia (infiltraciones esclerosantes)

    Dechow E, Davies RK, Carr AJ, Thompson PW (1999) A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of sclerosing injections in patients with chronic low back pain. Rheumatology (Oxford), 38(12): 1255-9.

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20. Rizolisis por radiofrecuencia

    Dreyfuss P, Halbrook B, Pauza K, Joshi A, McLarty J, Bogduk N (2000) Efficacy and validity of radiofrequency neurotomy for chronic lumbar zygapophysial joint pain. Spine, 25(10): 1270-7.

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    van Kleef M, Barendse GA, Kessels A, Voets HM, Weber WE, de Lange S (1999) Randomized trial of radiofrequency lumbar facet denervation for chronic low back pain. Spine, 24(18): 1937-42
21. Corsés,cinturones lumbares, collarines, plantillas y alzas

    Calmels P, Fayolle-Minon I (1996) An update on orthotic devices for the lumbar spine based on a review of the literature. Rev Rhum Engl Ed, 63(4): 285-91.

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22. Tracciones

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23. Fisioterapia (calor y frío, masajes, láser, onda corta, magnetoterapia, ultrasonidos y ondas de choque, corrientes interferenciales)

    Silva Guerrero AV1,2, Maujean A1,3, Campbell L1, Sterling M1,3. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Psychological InterventionsDelivered by Physiotherapists on Pain, Disability and Psychological Outcomes in Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions. Clin J Pain. 2018 Sep;34(9):838-857. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000601. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29554030

    Serrano-Aguilar P, Kovacs FM, Cabrera-Hernández JM, Ramos-Goñi JM, García-Pérez L. Avoidable costs of physical treatments for chronic back, neck and shoulder pain within the Spanish National Health Service: a cross-sectional study

Corrientes interferenciales

    Werners R, Pynsent PB, Bulstrode CJ (1999) Randomized trial comparing interferential therapy with motorized lumbar traction and massage in the management of low back pain in a primary care setting. Spine, 24(15): 1579-84

    Yesil H, Hepguler S, Dundar U, Taravati S, Isleten B. Doesthe Use of Electrotherapies Increase the Effectiveness of Neck Stabilization Exercises for Improving Pain, Disability, Mood, and Quality of Life in Chronic Neck Pain?: A Randomized, Controlled, Single-BlindStudy.Spine (PhilaPa 1976). 2018 Oct 15;43(20):E1174-E1183. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002663.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29652778

Onda corta

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Termoterapia (calor o frío)
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Punción seca

    Stieven FF, Ferreira GE, Wiebusch M, de Araújo FX, da Rosa LHT, Silva MF. Dry Needling Combined With Guideline-Based Physical Therapy Provides No Added Benefit in the Management of Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2020 Aug;50(8):447-454. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2020.9389. Epub 2020 Apr 9. PMID: 32272030.

Terapia con ventosas

    Almeida Silva HJ, Barbosa GM, Scattone Silva R, Saragiotto BT, Oliveira JMP, Pinheiro YT, Lins CAA, de Souza MC. Dry cupping therapy is not superior to sham cupping to improve clinical outcomes in people with non-specific chronic low back pain: a randomised trial. J Physiother. 2021 Mar 20:S1836-9553(21)00017-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jphys.2021.02.013. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33757719.

24. Estimulación eléctrica transcutánea (TENS)

    Al-Smadi J, Warke K, Wilson I, Cramp AF, Noble G, Walsh DM, Lowe-Strong AS (2003) A pilot investigation of the hypoalgesic effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation upon low back pain in people with multiple sclerosis. Clin Rehabil, 17(7): 742-9.

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